Public Law
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28, Nov, 2024
Proyecto de Ley N° 9555/2024-PE: “Ley de la pequeña minería y minería artesanal”
El 21 de noviembre de 2024, el Poder Ejecutivo presentó al Congreso el Proyecto de Ley N° 9555/2024-PE, que busca promover el desarrollo sostenible de la pequeña minería y minería artesanal.
26, Jul, 2024
Environmental Impact Assessment : Guidelines for applying the Mitigation Hierarchy approved
08, May, 2024
07, May, 2024
Environmental impact assessment: Increased dynamism in the reception and management of technical opinions
23, Apr, 2024
Comptroller's Office proposes that project designers, executors and supervisors be considered Public Officials
22, Apr, 2024
19, Apr, 2024
Amendment to the Regulations of the State Contracting Law
[pdf-embedder url=»» title=»Modificación de Reglamento de Ley de Contrataciones del Estado»
16, Apr, 2024
11, Apr, 2024
Telecommunications infrastructure: Constitutional Court declares that Law 29022 and its complementary norms are the only ones that govern its installation.
09, Apr, 2024
Comptroller's Office amends the Regulations of the Administrative Sanctioning Procedure for Functional Administrative Responsibility
27, Mar, 2024
Environmental Alert : Accuracy of the due dates for the filing of the Consolidated Annual Statement (CAR) for the year 2023
22, Jan, 2021
Was the constitutional right to banking secrecy violated: Regarding Supreme Decree No. 430-2020-EF
[vc_row row_type=»row» use_row_as_full_screen_section=»no» type=»full_width» angled_section=»no» text_align=»left» background_image_as_pattern=»without_pattern» css_animation=»»][vc_column width=»1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/2″][/vc_column][vc_column width=»1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=»row» use_row_as_full_screen_section=»no» type=»full_width» angled_section=»no» text_align=»left» background_image_as_pattern=»without_pattern» css_animation=»»][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=»100px»][/vc_column][/vc_row]
21, Jan, 2021
Was the constitutional right to banking secrecy violated: Regarding Supreme Decree No. 430-2020-EF
As of January 1, the Companies of the Financial System must inform SUNAT about balances and yields over 10,000 soles. Although the objective is to improve auditing, this could violate the right to banking secrecy. According to the Constitutional Court, such measure could be unconstitutional for not complying with the principles of proportionality and reasonableness. The measure, which is not linked to a specific tax, could be extended indefinitely and affect financial privacy.