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08, Feb, 2022
08, Feb, 2022
21, Sep, 2021
The Dircote chief's assertion that only Shining Path and MRTA can be prosecuted for terrorism is false.
The assertion by General Oscar Arriola, head of Dircote, that only Shining Path and MRTA can be prosecuted for terrorism in Peru is incorrect. Peruvian terrorism law does not limit its application to these specific groups. Decree Law No. 25475 defines terrorism as acts that seek to create alarm and anxiety in society, without restricting the application of the crime to certain groups. The rulings of the Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Court emphasize that the key to classifying an act as terrorism is its political or ideological purpose, not membership in a particular group.
02, Sep, 2021
17, Aug, 2021
11, Aug, 2021
03, Aug, 2021
Seduction by letter? On the eventual criminal relevance of asking the Armed Forces to disavow the elected government.
14, Jul, 2021
01, Jul, 2021
Violations of the code of ethics of the civil service in state-owned companies: Applicable procedure.
21, Jun, 2021
21, Jun, 2021
21, Jun, 2021
21, Jun, 2021
20, May, 2021
10, May, 2021
28, Apr, 2021
05, Apr, 2021
25, Mar, 2021
23, Mar, 2021
08, Mar, 2021
Personal Data Protection 2.0: Informational self-determination and data processing in social networks
08, Mar, 2021
01, Mar, 2021
26, Feb, 2021
19, Feb, 2021
05, Feb, 2021
05, Feb, 2021
Gender equity does have an impact on the productivity and competitiveness of organizations.
01, Feb, 2021
21, Jan, 2021
21, Jan, 2021
21, Jan, 2021
What is a search in a criminal investigation and what is the procedure for carrying it out?
21, Jan, 2021
21, Jan, 2021
21, Jan, 2021
21, Jan, 2021
Corporate governance contributes to the credibility, stability and growth of the organization.
16, Dec, 2020
18, Nov, 2020
16, Nov, 2020
15, Oct, 2020
30, Sep, 2020
30, Sep, 2020
26, Sep, 2020
26, Sep, 2020
26, Sep, 2020
The internship in health sciences as a labor training modality and the Emergency Decree No. 090-2020
26, Sep, 2020
25, Sep, 2020
25, Sep, 2020
25, Sep, 2020
26, Aug, 2020
Modification to procedural regulations - a step towards streamlining investment in the sector
04, Aug, 2020
Suspension of the deadline for the definitive audit procedure: comments from Report No. 038-2020-SUNAT/7T0000
04, Aug, 2020
04, Aug, 2020
04, Aug, 2020
04, Aug, 2020
24, Jul, 2020
03, Jun, 2020
28, May, 2020
28, May, 2020
27, May, 2020
25, May, 2020
25, May, 2020
30, Apr, 2020
Data processing in times of quarantine: on Personal Data related to people's health - Alexandra Espinoza Montero
30, Apr, 2020
30, Apr, 2020
30, Apr, 2020
30, Apr, 2020
30, Apr, 2020
30, Apr, 2020
Comments on occupational safety and health measures enacted within the framework of the National Emergency.
30, Apr, 2020
30, Apr, 2020
30, Apr, 2020
17, Apr, 2020
15, Apr, 2020
13, Apr, 2020
08, Apr, 2020
01, Apr, 2020
Flor Mizrachi Question: José Ugaz, former Chairman and member of Transparency International
01, Apr, 2020
01, Apr, 2020
29, Mar, 2020
25, Mar, 2020
The mysterious decriminalization of the crime of hoarding (and some observations on the proposal to reintroduce it)
25, Mar, 2020
24, Mar, 2020
19, Mar, 2020
13, Mar, 2020
20, Jan, 2020
13, Jan, 2020
JNE denies information on signatories that support Sendero
10 thousand signatures against anti-terrorism laws are presented, Perú21 asked for the list of people who signed the petition of unconstitutionality action promoted by Shining Path supporters and the electoral body prefers to keep it confidential. ABSURD RESERVE. The JNE misinterprets the Personal Data Protection Law in order not to disclose the names of the signatories (Photo: Mario Zapata/ GEC) By Delsy [...]
03, Dec, 2019
19, Nov, 2019
14, Nov, 2019
12, Nov, 2019
12, Nov, 2019
The validity of the termination of work under the Administrative Services Contracting Regime
25, Oct, 2019
21, Oct, 2019
07, Oct, 2019
23, Sep, 2019
05, Sep, 2019
22, Feb, 2019
The new regulation of vacation rest
On February 5, important regulations on vacation leave were published. Legislative Decree No. 1405 and its regulations for the public and private sector standardize the 30 days of annual vacation, allowing its fractionation and advance, and clarify how to count non-working days as part of vacation.
15, Oct, 2018
Internet access as a fundamental right?
In this article the author, analyzes Bill No. 2780/2017-CR: "Bill that Declares Internet Access as a Human Right" concluding that internet access is not a fundamental right.
25, Sep, 2018
Bureaucratic Barriers - Attorney at Law : Fabricio Sanchez Concha
Bureaucratic barriers are obstacles imposed by the public administration that hinder market access or the processing of administrative procedures. They may be illegal or disproportionate, unfairly limiting business access and operation. Identifying and denouncing them is key to improving efficiency and facilitating permanence in the market.
09, Jul, 2018
How Transparent Should Prosecutors Be About Investigations Into High-Level Corruption?
How transparent should officials be about high-level corruption investigations? This post delves into the balance between openness and secrecy, comparing José Ugaz's regular updates in Peru with Robert Mueller's reserved approach. It raises crucial questions on maintaining credibility and public trust.