We have outstanding specialists in different legal practices.
MEET OUR LAWYERSSelected by Chambers & Partners as one of the best law firms
in Latin America for over 10 consecutive years.
We are a law firm committed to providing you with comprehensive solutions.
LEARN ABOUT OUR SERVICESWith our headquarters in Lima, Trujillo and Florida (USA).
LEARN ABOUT OUR SERVICESWe are a law firm with 29 years of experience leading the Peruvian legal market – made up of almost one hundred lawyers. We offer a work team made up of top-level lawyers in all legal practices, which allows us to analyze cases and transactions from different angles, in order to propose integral solutions that consider all possible risks and contingencies.
We are leading professionals, and we seek to train leading professionals in the various practices of law, discovering and enhancing the talent of each person.
We seek at all times to add value in the advice we provide to our clients.
We are guided by solid principles, always acting with transparency and honesty.
Human talent and motivation are essential; therefore, we seek the personal and professional growth of our lawyers.
We seek to work together so that we can offer integral solutions in the different practices of law with a multidisciplinary and integral vision.
We are committed to social responsibility and to the environment where we operate.
We are a law firm focused on providing maximum legal protection to our clients within a framework of trust and integrity.
We offer coordinated work among all law practices, which allows us to analyze cases and transactions from different angles, in order to propose comprehensive solutions that consider all possible risks and contingencies.
We are a law firm focused on providing maximum legal protection to our clients within a framework of trust and integrity.
We offer coordinated work among all law practices, which allows us to analyze cases and transactions from different angles, in order to propose comprehensive solutions that consider all possible risks and contingencies.
Apply to BVU and join our firm. The human factor is the most valuable asset of our firm. That is why since its foundation, one of our essential objectives is to attract and promote the talent of our collaborators, as well as their human quality and professional ethics.
Av. 28 de Julio N° 1044, Miraflores, Lima 18 – Peru.
(511) 615-9090
(511) 615-9091
Calle Fray Bartolomé de las Casas 478, Urb. San Andrés, Trujillo. La Libertad – Peru.
(044) 60-8866
(044) 60-8867
José Robles Arnao N° 1055, Urb. San Francisco. Huaraz. Ancash – Peru.
(043) 42-4408